‘Suicide Squad’ Trailer Slays SDCC 2015

Leto Joker

Jared Leto as the Joker

The trailer for David Ayer’s “Suicide Squad” starring Jared Leto, Margot Robbie and Will Smith premiered Saturday at the 2015 San Diego Comic Con, and the world wept. Except for a grainybootleg, the rest of the world was left to wait. Consider your prayers answered. Today, Warner Brothers released the trailer for the film, due out in 2016. And boy, did it deliver.

We have lunatic gymnasts hanging from their cages, all sorts of badassery, and of course…Gotham’s notorious Clown Prince of Crime. The footage is decidedly creeping and gritty, and although the question still remains how Harley will throw down in those ridiculously high heels she is wearing, the DC community has seemed to breathe a slight sigh of relief.

With characters so beloved, (Joker, Harley Quinn, Deadshot,) and characters who as-of-yet have not been given the spotlight, (Rick Flagg, Killer Croc,) it is a delicate balance to maintain. Throw in the fact that a lot is riding on the dangerous attraction and fan following regarding Joker and Harley, and you find yourself wary to see how it will be handled. But as more and more footage is released, we are given more and more insight into the style and tone of the film. Bit by bit, the Suicide Squad is taking shape in the public’s eyes. And it is a terrifying landscape. Suicide Squad is due out in theaters August 5th, 2016.

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