PhenomenaCon 2020 was Everything I Needed


When the doors closed on convention halls across the country, speakers and professionals in the world of the paranormal watched as their incomes dried up over night.  As part of their Paranormal Quarantine Program, Greg and Dana Newkirk of the Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the occult had a fantastic idea; what if top speakers in the field of paranormal and the occult came together digitally for a weekend? Designed to run from 5 pm to midnight from Friday May 1, to Sunday May 3, 2020, In short, it happened mostly “after” work if you were Central and East Coast. Speakers ranged from Hellier‘s Tyler Strand to Michelle Belanger to Allen Greenfield, to John E.L. Tenney. If those names sound familiar to you, chances are it’s because you’ve found yourself watching or reading as much as you can on the paranormal or powerwatching the show Hellier.

The convention was digital and entirely held online, making this an amazing chance for people who can’t traditionally spend the money or time to get out to a paranormal convention.  Night one, Michelle Belanger blew the minds of attendees as she discussed demonology and the origins of exorcisms. Night two, Allen Greenfield blasted minds and sensibilities with his discussions on UFOs. The last day highlighted Amy Bruni from Kindred Spirits discussing how to research the history of a home for your investigations. However, it was all about John E.L. Tenney. His works on letting people grieve in this weird time brought an online room of over 600 people close to tears.

Greg and Dana Newkirk are amazing at picking out speakers. Over the weekend, they took in tips for presenters, but took none for themselves. Attendees volunteered thousands of dollars and ended up selling out book retailers of presenter-written books. I was amazed to see speakers, like Mat Auryn see his books sell out on Amazon before his presentation even started. Michelle Belanger’s updated version of The Dictionary of Demonology to first place in the occult section on Amazon, even though the book is only on pre-order.  Timothy Renner sold out of his original art seemingly overnight.

In a time of so much anger and negativity, it was so cool to be part of a loving community working together to take care of speakers and authors they admire.

The Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult has created an amazing, generous, and delightful community that I’m so lucky to be a part of. Here’s hoping we do another one soon!

Here are some links to folks who spoke this weekend:

Tyler Strand:

Timothy Renner:

Michelle Belanger:

Calvin Von Crush:

Connor J. Randall:

Aaron Gulyas:

Joshua Cutchin:

Allen H. Greenfield:

Mat Auryn:

Amy Bruni:

John E.L. Tenney:


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