Behold Miss Peregrine’s Gingerbread House


Miss Peregrine's Gingerbread House

Artist and baker Christine McConnell has crafted Miss Peregrine’s Gingerbread house, a replica of the house seen in Tim Burton film, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children based on Ransom Riggs’ novel of the same. Miss Peregrine’s gingerbread house is 27 inches tall, which is big for a gingerbread house, but awfully small for all the detail work we see. “There are no inedible facets other than the stand it’s sitting on” McConnell said in an interview with ABC news adding, ” it’s very sturdy and tasty! I kept eating all the extra pieces.”

She seems an appropriate choice for making an edible Tim Burton item as she describes herself as a big fan of his, telling the Daily News, “Everything he makes, I just eat it up.” She created the house when 20th Century Fox asked her to come up with some edible advertising for the upcoming film.

She gives further details on creating the house and its base in a series of pictures on her Instagram page, including the following picture of the house stencils and a picture of herself with Tim Burton, a meeting she describes as “The coolest thing that will ever happen to me.”

The house may be edible, but the thought of anyone actually eating the artwork seems sacrilegious.

Follow Christine McConnell
Twitter: @CHMcConnell

via Yahoo news, The Daily News, and Christine McConnell’s Instagram account.


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