Orphan Black: Knowledge of Causes and Secret Motion of Things


Courtesy of BBC America

To say that Episode 7 of this 2nd Season of Orphan Black, Knowledge of Causes and Secret Motion of Things, was jarring and disturbing would be an understatement. With Helena missing from the picture for now, Sarah Manning (Tatiana Maslany), works with her mentor Mrs. S (Maria Doyle Kennedy) to try and find a secret item that their secret doctor friend has lost being holed up in a bird-filled home for decades. Allison (also Maslany) is working desperately to get everything perfect for family day,  as it is her once chance to prove to her husband, that she is not a drug addict and safe enough to come home. Of course, secrets from Sarah’s past ruin Allison’s future as usual. OB2_EP207_DAY6_DEC20_SW_0171Rachel (also Maslany) continued to pull strings behind the scenes, but may not be as wicked as previously expected. Cosima (also Maslany) and her scientist girlfriend desperately work to find a treatment for Cosima’s sudden illness. Add into this the insanity of discoveries regarding stem cells, missing persons and the answer to what Allison’s husband has really been doing for decades and you end up with one crazy meetup of the clone club.


Courtesy of BBC America

Orphan Black does not pull punches and this episode is no exception. A rather violence accidental altercation will continue to haunt my nightmares and I recommend not watching the end of Episode 7 before attempting to sleep. However, the twists and turns of the show are just so good the show is starting to become more of an addiction than Allison’s Xanax.  Tatiana Maslany is able to pull off so many characters with such skill that I often forget she is only one actress in a multitude of roles. If someone deserves an Emmy, it’s Maslany.

Courtesy of BBC America

Courtesy of BBC America


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