We’re Challenging Your Young People to a Reading Quest!


Attention anyone with middle grade or young adult readers! Or anyone who knows middle grade or young adult readers! The authors who form the group Fellowship of Fantasy want to challenge your young people to a Quest! They can win prizes, including free books, just by reading! Your young people can select from a number of fantasy reads, all prescreened to be clean, and earn coins that can be used for prizes. They can enter tourneys (drawings) for even bigger prizes, which include “gift cards, Lego sets, mini paperback libraries, a painted horse, stuffed dragons, and fantasy gift baskets.” At the end, they can enter a drawing to receive a Kindle Fire 7, complete with clean reads already loaded on!

To learn more about this quest and register, visit http://www.fellowshipoffantasy.com/fantastic-writes/summer-reading-quest.

Have fun reading!


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