Lineage Most Lethal by S.C. Perkins
I greatly enjoyed Perkins’s first book, Murder Once Removed so was happy to see a sequel out. Genealogist Lucy discovers that her grandfather worked in intelligence during World War II, and something from the past has reached into the present to cause the descendants of certain agents from the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), precursor to the CIA, to be in danger. What follows is a set of murders, and plenty of intrigue.
I like Perkins’s angle in making the protagonist a genealogist. This gives listeners an entree into the past, this time related to World War II. The mystery is fascinating and the book well-written. The audiobook, narrated by Madeline Maby, is fun and well narrated. The only problem is that in at least two places, the recording repeats a line in each spot, making for a less than fully professional recording.
This audiobook gets 5 stars from me!