Cosplay Spotlight: AichiYume


It’s another #FanFriday and we are bringing one of our VERY OWN contributors into the cosplay spotlight. This week we present to you: AichiYume!

  1. Location:Texas, USA
  2. Cosplay Name: AichiYume
  3. Cosplay Experience: 10 yrs plus

Hello AichiYume! Let’s start with the basics: What inspired you to cosplay?

Honestly, it was low self-esteem. I cosplay a lot of blonde anime boys and they all love themselves so maybe, just maybe, if I can cosplay them I feel some of that love. I also love getting hugs from little black girls and their parents who are happy to see someone who looks like them doing something nerdy: there’s still some stigma in POC communities with nerd stuff so it always makes my day to meet a young fan.

Cosplay really does help low self-esteem and it really is an incredible feeling when a fan (be they child or adult) runs up to you excitedly with arms open. Since you’ve mentioned to me in the past that you have been a cosplayer for quite some time, when did you get your start?

I’ll say 2010 and at A-Kon in Dallas.

Wow. That was right around the time conventions were just starting to phase into mainstream. It must have been a very interesting moment to start cosplaying. What was your first cosplay purchase and/or build?

I did a Gothic Lolita look with a small hat I purchased at Icing.

Gothic Lolita looks are so mesmerizing to me; the layers and amount of adornments is impressive. Ok, burning question here: What convention is your favorite to attend in cosplay?

I really love AnimeFest in Dallas. Dallas is my hometown and has some of the best food, best nerd culture, best shopping plus my friends and family are there. Not to mention the photography opportunities and talent the bigger conventions can bring.

I have never been to Dallas but the photos I see from AnimeFest each year are awesome. When creating cosplay, what is/are your favorite material(s) to use?

Cotton and lace trim.

Lace frightens me. It looks like A LOT of work; I give you props for tackling such delicate fabric. Are you a part of any cosplay groups?

Nope. I’m a one man band.

There’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes the creative flow works best solo. What is your favorite cosplay to wear?

Probably Dr. Facilier. I loved his whole aura and there are very few times I feel powerful and beautiful so it was great to feel all those things while in costume. Not to mention the fact that it was such a fun build over time.

I adore Dr. Facilier. He has such swagger and his voice actor was INCREDIBLE. It’s also nice to hear that your costume makes you feel beautiful; thank you for sharing that. Well, it seems our time talking about cosplay is coming to an end. Before I let you run back to your writing what advice do you have for other cosplayers?

To never let race, body shape, gender or anything hold you back from cosplay. Cosplay is truly for everyone who wants to try it.

TRUTH. For more from AichiYume please visit…

Here are some examples of AichiYume’s fun creations…


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