The Time Museum; a dual review


 The Time Museum by Matthew Loux is a middle grade graphic novel. I was given the chance to read and review it, and because my oldest kid is as voracious reader as I am, I figured why not let her read and review it with me? Sounds fun, right? Sure was.

She read it the day came in the mail. I mean, she brought it with us to the grocery store, she didn’t want to put it down that much. And I figure there’s not a better review than that. However, I’ll also add what she did write down for me.

The Time Museum review – Juju W. age 9

At the beginning it was confusing but when you read more into the story it’s a really good story. I don’t normally like comics but this is one of my favorites. Can’t wait for book 2.

See, she doesn’t even read graphic novels or comics like I do, and she still really loved this book, so Mr Loux wrote a story that will convert non-comic lovers, and that is a pretty special thing.  I too really enjoyed this story. I am a big fan of stories that have cool, smart girls as the protagonist, because I love being able to share that with my smart, cool daughters. I also really liked how the main theme of this story is teamwork, because I think that gets lost in fiction sometimes. I don’t want to ruin the story because it really is so cool, but I will share that I am a big fan of the history aspect and think they chose really fun areas to use to push the characters. Everyone loves dinosaurs, amirite?

I’ve said before I don’t like cliffhangers, but the way this ending was done, I think it fit well. As a reader you will definitely want to know the meaning of the portrait, and how it s going to affect The Bean Team going forward.

Overall, I am definitely a fan. The story was fun, the illustrations nice, and it made my kid smile. I’d say that deserves  5 stars.  Looking forward to reading the next in the series. And I’d like to say a big thanks to Matthew Loux for giving my kid and I a chance to read the ARC of his great book.


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